@next/font tips & tricks

Jan 02, 2023·3 min read

The @next/font package introduced in Next.js 13 allows for optimized self-hosting of any font file, enabling you to serve your own or fonts from Google Fonts and use them with CSS variables without causing a layout shift.


First, we need to install @next/font package:

npm install @next/font

Inside the next.config.js file we can globally define which font subsets to preload. By doing this, we can reduce the size of the font file and significantly improve performance.


* @type {import('next').NextConfig}
module.exports = {
experimental: {
fontLoaders: [
{ loader: '@next/font/google', options: { subsets: ['latin'] } }

Integration with Tailwind CSS

An example from official docs:


import { Inter } from '@next/font/google'
const inter = Inter({
subsets: ['latin'],
variable: '--font-inter',
export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
return (
<main className={`${inter.variable} font-sans`}>
<Component {...pageProps} />

However, I have found that this approach does not work for multiple fonts, so I am sharing an alternative workaround with you as well:


// other imports
import { Inter, Fira_Code } from '@next/font/google';
const inter = Inter({ display: 'block' });
const firaCode = Fira_Code({ display: 'block' });
export default function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
return (
<style jsx global>
:root {
--inter-font: ${inter.style.fontFamily};
--firaCode-font: ${firaCode.style.fontFamily};
<ThemeProvider attribute="class">
<Component {...pageProps} />

We're importing functions that represent selected Google font. Once imported, we can call those fucntions and pass them an optional configuration object. In this example, we're passing display: block which affects font-display css property. Inside the <style> tag we're defining two CSS variables --inter-font and --firaCode-font which we will later reference in the tailwind.config.js file.


The font-display property determines how a font face is displayed based on whether and when it is downloaded and ready to use.

@next/font uses font-display: optional by default. Other available options are:


The font display strategy is defined by the user agent.


Gives the font face a short block period and an infinite swap period.


Gives the font face an extremely small block period and an infinite swap period.


Gives the font face an extremely small block period and a short swap period.


Gives the font face an extremely small block period and no swap period.

In case we opt for the default behavior, that may result in the display of an auto-generated fallback font if @next/font does not load within 100ms. To ensure that our intended font is always displayed, we can pass display: block or display: swap as an option.

Further reading

← PrevSetting up Path Alias in CRANext →Improve Image loading using Suspense and SWR